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CU Impact

Credit unions are more than financial institutions; we exist to serve our members and enhance our communities. We all know that credit unions throughout New York are doing great work each day on behalf of their members. The New York Credit Union Impact Report allows us to compile, quantify and share the results of those efforts on a statewide level.


The report documents New York credit unions' impact in the following key areas:

  • Adult Financial Education/Counseling
  • Youth Financial Education
  • Community Outreach and Investment
  • Immigrant Outreach
  • Sustainability

Impact Report Survey


Information for the Impact Report is gathered through an online survey conducted each year. The Association analyzes and aggregates the survey responses to create the data needed for the final Impact Report. Make sure your credit union's work is counted!


The Final Result

The New York Credit Union Impact Report is a powerful advocacy tool, providing legislators with compelling statistics about the great work credit unions do for their constituents. Report highlights are also shared with the media, creating a platform for enhanced public awareness.



Questions? Please contact Member Relations at member.relations@nycua.org or (800) 342-9835, ext. 8546.